Shopping Cart allows you to jot down the products needed to expedite your purchase. The goal is to provide the simplest application on the market while offering the most robust management tool.
How do I start using my Shopping Cart?
To begin, create the necessary products within different lists to distinguish between various stores.
This provides us with enough groundwork to start using Shopping Cart.
Both the lists and the usual products can be accompanied by images (On the website, there’s an extensive catalog available for easy download and use).
For products, you can define the unit in which it is sold: in liters, boxes, dozens, bottles, etc. If working with ratings, we can indicate its price.
Images and other details enhances the Shopping Cart experience, making it a more pleasant and personal experience.
Products can be marked as pending with a single click, ensuring a clear list of needs when entering the store. This simple step reduces expenses from compulsive purchases and increases family savings.
While in the store, you can adjust the actual quantity or weight of the purchase you are making. If working with ratings, you can fine-tune the price to gather valuable statistical data.
So far, the simple way of managing Shopping Cart.
AI Suggestions
Unbeknownst to users, the application memorizes the purchases we make, including the frequency and quantity of each product bought. It collaborates by calculating the average consumption of frequently purchased items.
It can even suggest to us, when entering a store, the products that we need and that we have forgotten to write down.
Organization of purchasing time
For larger shopping centers or supermarkets with clearly differentiated sections and/or departments, it’s possible to associate each product on the list with a specific section.
In this case, the products will be grouped by sections when we enter the store: the coffee will be with the infusions and the rolls in the bakery. But we can still take one more step to optimize the purchase to the maximum.
If, when entering the store, we first find the bakery, then the hygiene products, then the vegetables, etc., and we manually place the sections in that order, we will obtain a grouping of the purchase by sections and in a single path.
This ensures a single-pass, section-based journey, minimizing backtracking and maximizing efficiency.
Minimum purchase time and maximum performance.